
王牌压缩软件WinRAR 4.20 Beta 3 支持:支持鼠标拖放


[摘要]Version 4.20 beta 31. "Estimate" function in WinRAR "Info" command is adjusted ...

  Version 4.20 beta 3

  1. "Estimate" function in WinRAR "Info" command is adjusted to

  faster WinRAR 4.20 compression when calculating the expected

  compression time.

  2. GUI SFX module -sp switch passes parameters to setup application

  only if no other parameters were specified in "Setup" command

  in SFX script. So "Setup" command has a higher priority than -sp.

  Regardless of -sp presence, setup application can read

  the full SFX command line from sfxcmd environment variable.

  3. "Save current settings" button in "Advanced SFX options" dialog

  is now available only when converting an existing archive to SFX.

  Options saved with this button are applied only to convert to SFX


  If you create or update SFX archive, only SFX options stored

  in default compression profile are used. Options saved

  in "Advanced SFX options" dialog are ignored for these operations.





关键词:王牌压缩软件WinRAR 4.20 Beta 3 支持:支持鼠标拖放

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