


[摘要]The Enchantress 女巫 The Enchantress will be your magic Follower. Able to cast skills from afar, sh...

  The Enchantress 女巫

  The Enchantress will be your magic Follower. Able to cast skills from afar, she will pair nicely with a more melee oriented character to blast away enemies from a distance.


  kill choices:


  Tier 1 (Unlocked at lvl 5) - Disorient, Forceful Push, Charm第一层(5级可解锁)- 迷惑,强推,魅惑

  Tier 2 (Unlocked at lvl 10) - Decoy, Reflect Missles, Powered Armor第二层(10级解锁)- 引诱,反弹远程,增强护甲

  Tier 3 (Unlocked at lvl 15) - Focus Mind, Amplify Damage, Lower Resistance(15级解锁)- 强化意志,伤害放大,减低抵抗

  Tier 4 (Unlocked at lvl 20) - Energize, Energy Bomb, Guidance (20级解锁) - 能量注入,能量炸弹,护卫




  The Scoundrel 无赖

  The Scoundrel will be a ranged physical fighter. Wielding a crossbow or bow, the Scoundrel will stay away from the forefront of the fight and pick off enemies from a distance.


  kill Choices:


  Tier 1 - Crippling Shot, Rapid Fire, Poison Bolt第一层 - 减速射击,急速开火,毒箭

  Tier 2 - Bandage, Dirty Fighting, Scavenge第二层 - 绷带,肮脏战斗,寻觅

  Tier 3 - Power Shot, Multishot, Rain of Gold第三层 - 力量射击,多重射击,黄金之雨

  Tier 4 - Anatomy, Black Market, Vanish 第四层 - 解剖,黑市,强隐




  The Templar 圣殿骑士

  The Templar is your melee Follower. Taking the role of a Paladin like character, he will be in the front of the fight. Pairing him up with a ranged class may be a good idea to help keep your enemies at bay. WE actually saw this character as the Jack of Spades in the Diablo III poker set.


  kill Choices:


  Tier 1 - Charge, Heal, Protection 第一层 - 冲锋,治疗,保护

  Tier 2 - Guardian, Intimidate, Loyalty第二层 - 护卫,胁迫,忠诚

  Tier 3 - Intervene, Inspire, Tribute 第三层 - 干涉,鼓舞,贡品

  Tier 4 - Empathy, Onslaught, Knight 第四层 - 共鸣,猛攻,骑士







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