They will die when theyre eighteen and this will be your woeful prize (18岁).
Six children have died with the sign of the witch on their brow (6名儿童死亡).
And his chamber was changed; there were mirrors all round displayed (镜子).
He was carving the sign - XI - to his brow with an old rusty blade (XI标记);
Everything started for me in the first of April, 1699 (Harold Gallow死亡日期).
“标记翻转Reverse of the Sign”。
同样方法,组合6名儿童和标记翻转,得到“还剩三名儿童3 children left”。
18岁、还剩3名儿童和标记翻转,得到“巫师重生日1753 The Witchs Date of Rebirth”.
打开数字笔记本,输入1753,它又问你要日期. 离开家去克拉克·菲尔德的住处。
上楼,查看狼藉处窗户前桌上红色手提箱里文件。打开思考栏,组合:强烈气味strong scent、Harmal味和空气中的东西Something in the Air,得到“幻觉Hallucinations”。进大钟右边书房,桌上一只密码锁手提箱,按开关,霍华德不知道密码(线索)。桌上资料架上绿皮笔记,划线:
When I was just 22 years old, Jonathan and I became solely responsible for my fathers company (线索)
Cassette no. 01(线索)
Under Record no.0008-0010 - In Ivars place(线索)
Under Record no.0008-0010 - Christopher T. Dreaden one of the 3 men in that meeting
apart from Ivar and me, told me that this place was built by an unknown witch(隐藏线索)
Date of Birth: 03/11/1976
Died on the October day of 21, 2011
组合shovel with wet mud on it(沾泥的铁锨)和Clark Fields death(菲尔德之死),得到someone dug somewhere(某人在某处挖了洞)
They are in the crypts below a tomb which stands in a very old cemetery in which
interments has been prohibited some time ago(墓)
The aforementioned tomb is registered in the name of Samuel William Poer(线索)
with the right timing and preparation things can be summoned from sphere, beyond
this universes or even death!(隐藏线索)
离开这里继续上顶楼,看见拉盖书桌。试图离开建筑被阻拦,对话时选:You left that note?如果没这句话就选:No。得到钥匙环。回家睡觉。查看月亮。醒来,回伊娃小屋,进左边卧室,用钥匙环打开角落地板上的暗门。进右边第一间房,查看一番。继续沿走廊前进,穿过门,看右墙眼睛标志(线索)。继续前进,进右边房间,拿铁网门开关旁的腻子,按红灯,进网门后看看箱子。出来,进对面的房间,与囚犯对话,拿蜡烛并进右边囚室,查夹克得到第4份笔记和钥匙。去走廊尽头的房间,出来时被人拦住,对话后,他叫你马上离开(线索)。这时听风前方脚步碌乱,快速躲到囚室或铁网门房间,等一会儿后离开。
接听亚瑟电话。查看标记的地图,点击Wholestone,现在改名为Rowley。浴室有一碗不知是什么东西,把它扔马桶里。去伊娃小屋,顶楼, 桌子第2个鸽子洞划线28-11-2011,第4鸽子洞划线EB,划IB(隐藏线索),划Since we couldnt take that old fools house in ordinary ways.
Each of them wears a ring inscribed with a snake figure biting its own tail,wrapped around a shiny stone(线索“蛇形图案”)
The registers of this and similar crypts were separated from the others....put into a secret section under the steps of the cemetery building which theylast visited.(这段句子划两次。线索registers和secret section)