PlayStation 3(简称为PS3)是日本索尼旗下的索尼电脑娱乐(Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.)于2006年11月11日推出的一款家庭用电视游戏主机,也是该公司推出的第三款电视游戏机。PlayStation 3尺寸为325×98×274毫米,重量为4.4千克。主机内置NetFront浏览器显示XMB图形用户界面,支持新建页面和后台运行,并且支持USB鼠标和键盘等外设。
Following the previous release of multiMAN 04.65.01 comes a new update from developer deank today with v04.65.02. In this update "Direct-Disc Access" has now been added for 4.65 CFW. Plus the developer has updated the original webMAN (not the webMAN MOD ) to version v1.31 to add support for v4.65 CFW. The plugin comes in the Standard, Cobra & CCAPPI version. More details about these release from deank can be seen below.
PlayStation 3上的游戏视觉效果元素丰富,强调光影表现,场面更大。